Friday, July 15, 2011

The Emerald Atlas

Stephens, J.  (2011).  The Emerald Atlas. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

The book is on the list of New York Times Bestsellers for 2011.

Kate's first memory was that her mother came into her room to tell her to take care of her brother, Michael and sister, Emma.  Then they were wisked away to an orphanage.  They were sent from one orphanage to another over the next ten years.  They ended up in Cambridge Falls at the home of Dr. Pym, and discovered he was a wizard.  They found a book in the cellar of the house and ended up travelling into the past.  They were destined to search for the book and two others that were a set and gave those that possessed them great power.  The children were involved in a series of misfortunes and were mostly running for their lives most of the way through the book.  They were captured by the wicked Queen, captured by dwarfs, caught by the Queen again, almost lost over the falls with many children and managed to save them all with the help of the Emerlad Atlas. 

There were many feelings during this book.  The first was sorrow that the children had to be put in an orphanage.  The next feeling was fear for the children's lives when they found the book and were cast into the past.  I was afraid for their safety when being chased by wolves and screechers.  I was hopeful when Gabriel saved them from harm.  Horrified at how the dwarf king treated them.  Exhilarated that they found the book in the golden room of the old city.

I'm sure in the next book of the series, Kate and her siblings will come up against even greater enemies and hopefully find new friends.

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